Catherine Johnston
TAG Members since 2017
My process is constant reflection of my love, my grief, and my gratitude for the infinite splendor of the natural world surrounding us. I love to travel, to meet people, and to document my daily life. Each of these activities finds a way of entering into the clay or canvas. My art tells the stories of my life and I work across mediums to search for ways to keep expanding the imagination.
Member: National Sculpture Society, Oklahoma Sculpture Society, Tulsa Artist Guild, Green Country Watercolor Society Independent Studies with artists including: Phillipe Faraut, Jocelyn Russell, Fabrizio Aquafresca (Fine Silver Metalwork), Steve Rogers & David Rankin, AWA Ghost Ranch: Bob Rohm, Plein Air Painting Scottsdale Artist School Workshops: Lincoln Fox, Vala Ola, Simon Kogan, Eugene Daub Brookgreen Gardens: Sandy Scott, Greg Wyatt Painting: Derek Penix, Kelly Folsom Oil Painting in Umbria BA, Art Education: University of Missouri at Kansas City |